Saturday, June 19, 2010


There are a lot of parades coming up. Each city out my way, has a parade at some point this summer. We were able to participate in the South Jordan parade. We were in my sister's entry for her business (Hair & Bodyworks Salon, to see more check out this post). It was fun to be able to help and participate. Nora loves to wave, so she loved being able to wave to all the people we were passing. It was a good time, and we can't wait to go watch a parade.

Recommendations? Find a parade in your area. Enjoy the time to see the creativity of people for the floats. Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Mrs. Fields Cookie Factory

The cookie factory was fun. They do tours there for free. Schedule the tour in advance, and they have several restrictions. They are not as strict in their restrictions. They allowed wedding rings and strollers. Everyone had to wear a hairnet or a "cookie maker" hat. It was fun to see, but this is not a facility where they make the dough. The get the frozen dough, and cook it there, package the cookies in gift boxes. They weren't very busy the day we went, so we didn't get to see any cooking. They said during November and December, they are much more busy. I think we may go back then to see everything up and going.

They have free parking, and the tour starts in the gift shop. It is on the south side, with a red door. We all went to the wrong door first. Enjoy!